Potrero Elementary School I is a complete public elementary school. It is located in a hilly site with a number of towering trees along Dunwoody St., University Hills Subdivision, Potrero, Malabon City, NCR Region, Lone District with School I.D. 136849. It has 3,082 sq. m. lot area.
It started to operate and accept enrollees in 1971 with a total number of 240 pupils. Classes were of two shifts. Initially, there were six teachers under the tutelage of Mrs. Cristina O. Gaza, the first school principal.
The school then had only one building, a Marcos Type Building which had three rooms. There was no Home Economics Building, canteen nor office yet. It had three comfort rooms, enough to accommodate teachers and pupils.
After the term of Mrs. Gaza as the first school principal, came more buildings, teachers and pupils. Likewise, principals who were assigned to manage the school also came one after another.
Nowadays, Potrero I Elementary School has two types of buildings, the Rodriguez Building which has 6 classrooms, one is apportioned for the principal’s office and another for the library, and the National Building, a two-storey building with 6 classrooms. Besides, it also has a Special Building and a Kinder Building where the Kindergarten pupils are housed.
From six teachers and two hundred two pupils during its first operation, now Potrero Elementary School I has twenty-four teachers and nine hundred twenty-four pupils including Kindergarten.
Potrero Elementary School I is located in University Hills Subdivision and is accessible through Gov. Pascual, Malabon City and Samson Road, Caloocan City.